
20 August 2016


A white_background

So nowadays is all the PokemonGO hype and its really nice seeing people from all races, gender and age coming out together and play this mobile game. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be this much of a phenomenon. Plus, I didn't expect myself to get hooked on to the game that I literally went out of my house all the way to Bishan Park in hopes of catching some rare Pokemon. Even my mom plays it. LOL!!!

Recently I'm into the all androgyny outfits. I mean, with all the weight I've lost, I definitely have to put on those clothes that I couldn't in the past right?!?! For this outfit, the top was from Oh So Fickle, and my "not so ripped jeans" is from Forever 21. Bag is from a friend who got it from the White Milano 2016 fashion show earlier this June, and shades are from Stylenanda Korea.

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