[17th Jun 2014, Tuesday]
So on Tuesday, it was a very special day where Domino's, together with The Influencer Network, also known as TIN in short, held their event to commemorate the launch of Domino's limited edition Bola Bear collectibles.
The event was held at 31 A Scotts Road, Colonial @ Scotts. I had quite a difficult time finding the place though, but nevertheless, I manage to made it on time.
Saw quite a few familiar faces over there, and the first person I saw was Michelle.C! FAN BOY MODE!!! Didn't hesitate to ask her for a photo. Hahaha!!!
Above photo is from Vivian (xchubbykitty), I love that photo because I look so naise!!! Hahaha!
The place was filled with bloggers, and also BALLOOONS!!! So without further ado, the emcee began introducing himself and the highlight of the event, and that there's this Instagram #BOLABEAR contest. The person with the most likes will walk away with:
1st Prize: Go-Pro Camera
2nd Prize: Fuji Film Instax Camera
3rd Prize: Samsung Digital Camera with Wifi capabilities
So yeap! Everyone started instagraming away~ Except for me... Cuz I know I won't win. Hahaha!
After that, the emcee announce that they're gonna have a stage game, 3 teams of 3 will go up the stage and get their photo taken by the photographer once, and only once, then the group with the loudest clap wins the limited edition Bola Bears!!! So the lucky me got called up the stage, together with Darren and Shaun, and guess what? WE WON!!! Hahaha!!!
After the stage activity, the marketing manager of Domino's told us that each and everyone of us will be walking away with a Bola Bear collectibles!!! YAY! I CAN HAZ 2 BOLA BEARS!!!
After that it was group photo, but I didn't manage to get any photos taken because everyone is snapping photos with their camera. SIGHSS! T.T
So after that, the marketing manager began explaining little bit about Domino's pizza and also the Bola Bear launch.
You have to hurry if you want to get your hands on the Bola Bear collectibles cuz I heard that it's selling out FAST!!! For more information you can check out Domino's website at
So next, the moment that everyone had been waiting for. THE FOOD!!! It's free and easy, so everyone just helped themselves with the food. I really love their Napolitana Meatballs! ITS DAMN AWESOME!!!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEE THEIR DRUMPLETS! It's like a MUST HAVE whenever I eat Domino's!!! And how can I forget about their Chocolate Lava Cake! It's everyone's ultimate favorite from Domino's Pizza!!!
So after much fun chatting and eating, its time to announce the top 3 winners for the #BOLABEAR Instagram contest.
So for 3rd Prize, the winner is: @Hpility, with 262 likes.
2nd Prize, we have Vivian, @Xchubbikitty with 283 likes.
and now, for first prize, the person with the most likes, and Angie was like saying confirm is him confirm is him. Hahahah! That person is non other than...... Ben, with 300 over likes, P/S: This one the photo a bit blur, so I couldn't see the exact figure of his likes, but well, at least his is real numbers. Just saying.
Shy Ben with his new Go-Pro. Now this is the annoying part, I swear to god the emcee is a jackass! Like how I tweeted yesterday, yes he is funny, I like his entertainment value but then again, insulting someone so that you can make others laugh isn't cool yo! Insulting people, making them lose face on stage is just not right, I mean, yea you make others laugh, but do you know how the person that is being made a laughing stock feel?
How inconsiderate!!!
The day ended with more selfies and photo taking. I'm glad to see everyone together at one event, and I finally get to take photos with Darren and Ben! :D
Not forgetting Michelle. TSKTSK!!! And I have to apologize to Tselyn cuz I didn't take any photos with her. :/
Lastly, this person that I have to thank. Thank you so much for being there with me throughout the event, without you I think I'll have to start singing to ALONE already. So yeap! A big thank you to MyApplePai! So much loveeeeeeeee!
Now ending this post with a group photo (just us actually) Hahahah! Together with William, and thank you Domino's and The Influencer Network for hosting this event, it was an honour.
Photo Credits: Vivian (xchubbykitty) |