Just to fill you guys with an update, here's a video that I did for my FYP. It might seem its poorly edited though. Once again, I'm not a media and design student. LOL!
Now I'm just left with a week of school and that's it. No end sem exam for Marketing students. YAY ME!
I just wanna say, I'm glad to have these bitches right at my back, even though we weren't the best, but we always give our best. It's like semester 3.2 just flew past like that, in a blink of an eye, we've come to the end. All the struggles, scolding from George Lim, tough night at brand study, the torturous night at Changi Airport, and the rejection from Ms Lynette, Its all finally over.

Now I'm looking forward to our overseas trip together, hopefully it will come true. #FingersCrossed
I would also like to thank everyone single one of them who "TAHAN-ED" my lameness and over confident vibes. Hahaha! It has been a really fun and entertaining year with them.
End this post with a super step photo. Till the next post.

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