I still remember when I was younger, I really love and anticipate CNY! But as I grew older, it kinda gets boring. As in, there's nothing much we can do except house visiting as most of the shops will be close. But to my surprise, cotton on and toastbox are open during CNY this year! So yea.
So I had reunion dinner with my family on the 30th January, which was the eve of Chinese New Year.
One of the main reasons I look forward to CNY! I get to eat lots and lots of food! I really love this kind of atmosphere, where my house will be fully lighted up and it will be so happening, with my sis friends coming over to "Bai Nian" and overnight Mahjong session with my parents. Hahah! But I'll be like some loner in my room using my phone la, or maybe watching the television. Hahaha!
So after having my reunion dinner, I went down my block to play sparkles with my sisters. My 3rd sis decides to be "creative" and made a "rocket" out of sparkles!
After that, we head back home and started chilling and watching television. Some channel 8 live show! Hahah! That pretty much sums up my CNY Eve.
Day 1 of CNY! Did practically nothing. Rotted at home the whole entire day. Waited for my Uncle (My dad's brother) to come over to our house for visiting and that's it. OH! I ordered McDelivery that costs $45.60 and my dad paid for it. Hahaha! Cuz I told him I was angry at him for some reason and VOILA!
But anyway, the Mcdonalds that I ordered is for my family, consisting of My mom, 2 sis, myself and my bro-in-law. So yea! I personally feel its quite expensive but my sis beg to defer. Oh wells.
Later at night, I went to AMK Hub together with my mom to purchase tickets for "THE LION MEN" Yayyyy! And that's Day 1 of my CNY! Hahaha!
Woke up early for McBreakkie with le Mom and Sis! Went back home, and bathed, did the necessary stuff and then off we go for house visiting at our relatives place.
Photo with my Mom, 3rd Sis and Dad.

Didn't really take much photos also. Cuz well.... I was shy and I don't wanna whip out my camera infront of my relatives! Hahaha!
CHINESE NEW YEAR GOODIES! #ReasonsWhyImGrowingHorizontally

Now ending this post with 2 more photos. I swear to god my sis is no photographer material. She had a hard time using my cam and the photos turns out like SHIAAAT (mostly). BUT STILL! I really appreciate her effort and help for taking photos for me. ♥ #SiblingsLOVE

- Neckless sponsored by SpunkPunkFunk
- Outerwear: YoungHungryFree
Prolly there's gonna be a part 2 of my CNY, cuz I'm going house visiting again this Sunday at my uncle's (My Dad's Bro) house. YAY! Gonna play "Ban Luck"! WootWoot! ♥
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