So after finishing my secondary school and ITE, I just thought, why not try my luck applying for Polytechnic? Who knows I might really get into a course that I want to study. In the end, I got into my first choice which is Business Studies Grouping at Temasek Poly.
Fast forward to year 1.2 where I had to make a decision of a diploma to go to. Among the choice of Business, Marketing, and Logistics, I chose Marketing as my choice because, well... It's project based and there's minimal exams. (as compared to the other 2 la!)
So fast forward again to year 3, its the most hectic year. Especially semester 3.2, everything is compressed into 2 months, and we have 3 modules to complete. Mainly, Public Relations, Global Marketing, and Integrated Marketing Communications aka IMC in short. All these are implemented together for our final year project where we have to come up with plans and executions for the clients that we're working with. Aka Philips AquaTouch Shavers. It wasn't an easy journey. But with my groupmates, we all managed to work it out and survived the tedious 2 months.
Lets just say, I really enjoyed this 1 year with them. And now, we can finally say.

I'll definitely miss the fun that we had. All those late nights at brand study. And all the sick jokes that these 95's make! Hahaha! It just shows how sick kids are these days. LOL!!!!
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