
27 February 2016

Chinese New Year 2016

Its the joyous season!!! Well not exactly cuz CNY is already over. But now then I'm finally done editing all the photos taken during CNY.

[Chinese New Year Eve]

Normally this is the day where I really look forward to cuz shops are all open for the first half of the day then after which you'll see the whole of Singapore streets looking deserted after 5pm or so.

I remember having a tiff with my 3rd sis in the morning so I left the house to do some window shopping alone at town. My initial decision was to go out, sit at a starbucks and use my lappy. But I ended up shopping for a new wallet and having lunch at Popeyes and headed home thereafter. In the evening, my mom will start prepping the ingredients and dishes needed for the Reunion dinner at night. This year, my sis prepared the soup base for our steamboat. And its tomato based soup!!! :)

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While my mom and my eldest is is preparing the dinner, my dad will be doing all the essential praying thingy while me, my 2nd and 3rd sis, my niece and nephew will just hang around the house.

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Finally, its done. Here's a family selfie.

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So after feasting on our reunion dinner, my family would usually sit at the living room, talk cock sing song and watch the shows that is airing on teevo, to let our tummy digest the food that we have eaten. Then we will go over to Bishan Park to put the Sky Lantern.

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After which, my sis's friends will come to my house to "Bai Nian". Usually they will countdown to the new year together with my family la. Also, to play Mahjong till the next morning.

[Chinese New Year Day 1]

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Day 1 of the Chinese New Year, where I look forward to wearing the new clothes that I've bought. Can you believe it, I've actually tried on my clothes for more than 5 times?!?!?! Hahaha! Cuz I'm oh so obsessed with this red pullover top that I bought from OSF!!!

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Received this really unique "Ang Bao" from my parternal Uncle. It has a word 高 on it, which is my Surname by the way. My cousin told me she got it from Chinatown where they have all kinds of surname on it one.

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[Chinese New Year Day 2]

I don't know why, when I was younger, I used to enjoy Chinese New Year. Like I get to see my cousins again and receive lots and lots of "Ang Baos" from relative that I don't even know existed. The joy of celebrating the festive season is there. But in the recent years, the magic has seem to disappear. Like, I'm seeing lesser and lesser relative, now the children have all grown up and they're really reluctant to step out of their house. Its all no longer the same as before....

Okay, nuff said. Day 2. I only went to my Paternal Uncle's house for that day. Had lunch at their house and left for Grace's house cuz she invited me and some of her other friends.

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Played a little bit of Blackjack over at Grace's house and steamboat again!!! I am truly grateful that the 4 of us still keep in contact eventhough all of us graduated from our higher nitec days back in 2012. On to our poly days we also manage to meet up for dinner and so. And yes. I really hope this friendship will continue on till the day I'm no longer writing on this space. Hahaha. To infinity and beyond. :)

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