And last panel, Adam was caught by Tyra, and got reprimanded for drinking too much. And thus, Adam is really determined to change for the better because he doesn't want to increase his chances of going home because of his drinking habit.

So last week, Raelia and Chantelle ended up being the bottom 2, and Raelia was the one that got sent home. Knowing that Raelia really wanted this as compared to Chantelle, some of the models felt that Raelia shouldn't be the one that got eliminated. And so this leads to the following confrontation with Shei, Lenox and Chantelle.

The models arrived at the MCM Flagship store at Gangnam, where they're greeted by Kelly, Jay Park, and Ben Baller. It was then they were told that they're gonna be doing their GO - SEES to 5 designers in 4 hours.

Most of the models had no problem with their GO - SEES. Most of the designers love Keith's look, and Lenox's personality, on the other hand the designers felt that Adam was kinda short, and Will does not seem to fit in the clothes the designers had.

In the nick of time, Adam and Lenox made it back to the Nylon studio. While Kelly gave the models their feedback from the designers, she told the models that the designers really loved Keith's look.
Overall, Keith and Lenox both booked 4 GO - SEES, but because Keith went to 5 designers and Lenox only went to 4, this makes Keith the winner of this GO - SEES challenge. When they return back home, their challenge scores were up, and Will turn out to be the last of the bunch.

The models arrived at Gyeongbokgung Palace for their photoshoot, and this time round, they had to model shoes from Jinny Kim, and for this photoshoot, they had co-models Jini Lee and Joo Hyun Lee to be shooting with them.

At the shoot, Keith once again impresses Yutsai and Tyra, while Lenox didn't really impresses Yutsai much. Chantelle on the other hand struggled a bit on the shoot, but thanks to Tyra, she manage to get the shoot done with directions given to her.
After Chantelle's shoot, she decided to talk to Yutsai about her being uncomfortable with him calling her panda, but it turn out to be heated argument after that.

Back at home, there came a confrontation between Keith and Chantelle as some of the models told Keith about what Chantelle have told them behind close doors, and it turn out to be that Chantelle is the one that is making up stories telling others how she and Keith had hooked up.
Somehow I felt sorry for Chantelle, this week is definitely not her week.

Most of the models received good feedback from the judges, and once again. Keith had got best photo this week with a score of 44.40.

In the end, it was Adam and Chantelle who landed themselves in the bottom 2, and with a huge score setting Adam apart from Chantelle, Chantelle was sent home.

Here's the scoreboard for this week and episode 13. Enjoy

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