Met up with ma' girls to celebrate Mellysa's birthday in advance. I still can't believe how we all became friends, cuz I didn't expect to have any REAL friends in Polytechnic. (Que's ANTM; I'm not here to make friends!!!)

We were supposed to be meeting at 11;45am but end up some of us were late. Teehee! Luckily Jiayu managed to reserve seats in advance!!! YAY US!
Actually it was supposed to be a surprise for Mellysa, but..... HAHAAHAH! One of us let the cat out of the bag!!!
Waited for everyone to come and off we go to get our fooooooood~~~

Look at the amount of food that we have on our table! Featuring Jiayu the glutton! Hahahaah!

No one would have guessed I'm 3 years older than them! Teeheee! #SHYBOYNINETYFIVE
So after we had our filling buffet, we then ask Mellysa to follow some of us to get Ice-Cream, fruits and etc for all of us. (ACTUALLY WE END UP NOT EATING MOST OF IT CAUSE WE'RE ALL REALLY REALLY FULL)
And when Mellysa came back, we surprise her with the cupcakes that we've been trying to hide from her sight from the moment she stepped into the restaurant! Hahaha!

Took one last photo (on the escalator) before Celeste left off as she's not feeling too good. I think it's time to have a group/band name for ourselves (this clique) already, and I've thought of a name liao, lets call ourselves *Donn & The NINETYFIVES*!!! Or maybe *Donn & The 5 GIrls*??!!! Sounds good yea???

P/S: Sometimes I can't help but to feel impressed with my capability to take selfies at anywhere and everywhere! Hahaha!
After that, we went around town shopping, and Mooi Suen had to left early for "family meeting" so left with Me, Mellysa, Jiayu and ThatAppleCandies.
Initially we wanted to catch a movie, but then its only left with the 1st row, so nope!!! We went on shopping instead, and after that we chilled at Coffee Bean. ♥ their Mocha Ice blend.
Here's a photo of my nails featuring Mellysa at the back! ^.^y

After scaring you guys with a ugly photo above ^^, lemme show you guys 2 chio #SELFIES of myself okayokay???!!!!

Went around shopping after we've rested enough. Took train to Dhoby Ghaut and had 4 fingers for dinner. At that point, I can feel my throat screaming for help!!! (Cause I was already feeling a tad unwell...)

So the day ended, and I was walking to the bus stop, and guess who I saw???? MY LONG LOST BBF!!! ♥

Alright! That's the end of this post! This is such an abrupt ending! But anywaysssss! Toodles~
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