
08 October 2014

The Company Of Cats

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Hello. I know, I've been neglecting my blog for quite a while and I didn't really have much updates lately. All thanks to internship. LOL!!!

So anyways, last Sunday, Andy asked me if I wanted to tag along with him and Joyce to go visit a cat cafe, and so I agreed. Located along the street of Chinatown is where The Company Of Cats is situated. Its quite an interesting cafe name I must say, all of their cats comes with a tag and a position that you normally see in a company, such as IT Support, Sales Manager, Intern and etc.

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There are 2 rooms, 1 is whereby you just order their food, and you eat it over there, which I find it abit stupid la, if like you just go there to have their food. Another room is where all the cats are. Admission for the first hour is $14 and subsequent half an hour will be $5. Every admission will be entitled to a standard drink.

For weekdays rates it will be $10 per admission. For more info you can click on this link to their website.

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When you walk up the stairs, you'll be welcomed by the staff over there. They'll let you know the do's and don'ts in the cafe. Payment will be done when you're about to leave.

We ordered their Bakkwa Toasties with Cheese, and it comes with Tortilla chips. IMO, I feel that they could add some cheese dips for their tortilla.

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Their toasties comes in a form of a lunch box, which I find it quite cut luh, but my friend told me that it's just stickers stick on top of a box that you could probably get from Daiso. T.T

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The room is quite spacious imo, and its filled with pretty decos and kinda nice to chill. Joyce, on the other hand is a cat molester and a crazy fan of cats, she was there with the staff talking about cat related stuff which is probably out of the planet for me to understand. Hahaha!

I was there, chillin, pretending to be classy while having my tortilla chips, while Andy was going around snapping pictures with the cats.

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When we went into the room, the cats were mostly asleep. So we can only take pictures of them in hope that they'll wake up so that we can play with them.

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At the Company Of Cats, they also have souvenirs for cat lovers like Joyce, to buy and keep. Some are quite adorable IMO. You guys can drop by if you just wanna find a place to chill with your friends. :)

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After that, we left for Dhoby Ghaut, went shopping at Daiso, and we still have some time left, before I head to somewhere else and Joyce & Andy could have their dinner. We took massive lots of photos at SOTA.

Kinda embarrassed to take pictures with so many people walking by looking at you, but I guess once you got used to it, it doesn't bother you much anymore. Hahah!

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After that, I left to meet Minglong to get some last minute stuff for Garey's surprise celebration, and also to pick Nicole up from Expo. Can I get a good friend award please!!! Hahaha!

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Look at that little kid smiling so happily! Hahaha! Also need to thank Hafizah for helping us with this surprise plan, eventhough the reveal that Garey told us was kinda URGHH!!! Hahahah!

Nevertheless, I hope Garey had enjoyed the surprise we planned for him. Hahaha!

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