So here goes! Basically with the title, you can roughly guess that I'm gonna write about something related to my education right? Hahah!
So yeap! It all began at the year 1999, where I first got enrolled to Primary school. I didn't know how I survived my 6 years in that school with less than 5 friends. Not 5 friends for each year, its 5 friends for the whole of 6 years!!!

I'm not like those smart or popular student in school where they get recognized and remembered by teachers all around the school, the only thing I got remembered for? Is my bad results.
When I was in Primary school, I don't really do my homework, I'm a lazy student that doesn't do my homework, if I do, its all rubbish! Really! I remember there was a period during Primary 1 or 2, whereby I kept asking my mom to help me do my Math and Chinese homework because both was my weakest subject and I have totally no interest in it. That really became a habit until I got scolded by my sisters.
In the early Singapore, when students reached Primary 4, they're required to take a streaming exams, where they will categorize students based on their results, mainly EM1, EM2, and EM3.
EM1 is like for those students who are SUPER SMART. Sometimes I really wonder what are those EM1 students doing with their lives now. Hahah!
As for EM2, they're like the "NORM" students, not smart, yet not dumb. Then we have EM3, for students who are very weak in their subjects and yet refuse to buck up.
Now you see, after I've taken my streaming exam and received my final examination results, I didn't know how should I react, because I was posted to EM3, and at that time, EM3 was a class/place where students really wanna avoid.

Now thank god I have a really good teacher back then, she was understanding and she feels that I have the capabilities to go far. (Look where I am now! Muahaha) And she asked my parents if they want to opt for me to go EM2 instead.
At the end of the final examination at Primary 5, I failed again. I scored a total 180/400!!! How bad can I get? But I told myself to look on the brighter side, at least there's 4 people that scored worst than me.

On normal law/rules, if you fail in your overall examinations you can never progress on to the next year of education, either that or you have to "downgrade", in school terms, it means drop to EM3. But guess what? This other teacher is being nice as well, look at the remarks she gave me! :D
And so, I was opted for EM2 during Primary 6!
As we all know Singaporean students who reached the education of Primary 6 are required to take a examination which is called Primary School Leaving Examinations in short PSLE!
My aggregate score for PSLE was 151, it was the highest for Normal Technical Stream, meaning, I can go to any Secondary school that offers Normal Technical Stream studies. :D

I still remember the day I got back my results, I was the only one that got posted to Normal Technical Stream, I wasn't given any other choices, just that, and so I moved on with life to Secondary school.

During the first day where I step into my secondary school, I was pretty scared, because well, I'm in the Normal Technical Stream and being typical stereotype, I'm scared of all the "gangster" students that will bully me and etc.

The first year was pretty alright I guess, for Normal Technical students, we were given a chance to progress to Normal Academic Stream if our results were 75% or higher, this will only be allowed during Secondary 1 or 2.
For both years I didn't manage to score 75% or above, but I'm not sad at all, because I met some of the most amazing people that changed my life. They bring out the "real" self in me!

Yeap! You didn't see wrongly, the one in yellow was me! Hahah! I slimmed down (MAGICALLY) when i reached puberty at the age of 14 - 15! Puberty is so amazing that it does wonders to my body! Hahaha!

At Secondary 3, I quit NCC Air, also known as National Cadet Corps, some shitty CCA that doesn't allows you to quit unless for valid reason! Thank god my form teacher was the in-charge for that CCA, he let me leave but I must promise him something, and that is to get a CCA and make something out of it.
SO GUESS WHAT? Yours truly was given the role as the Chairman of AVA Club! HAHAHAHAHA!

Sitting in the middle like a boss! Hahaha!
With me being the Chairman of the CCA, I was given the opportunity to go for this Student Leadership Exchange Programme at New Delhi, India! The experience was SO AMAZING! We even went to one of the 7 wonders of the world, Taj Mahal!!

My results and studies in Secondary school was rather "okay" I guess? I never fail any subjects other than Math and Science.
One thing that I cannot comprehend is that, I CAN NEVER EVER GET 1ST IN LIFE ONE!
The best I've ever gotten is always 2ND!!!
Even for class position, the best I've got is also a 2nd!!! Never 1st in my life before!!!

Soon, I've completed my 4 years in Secondary school, been through thick and thin, especially the Wednesdays where I'll meet my BBF Ng Qian Yi and See Kai Xiang for lunch without fail!!!

Got back my results and till date, my friends can NEVER believed how I scored 'A' for my Chinese! Hahaha! Because if you know me personally and have heard me spoke Mandarin before, you will know how "CUI" it is! Hahahaha!

Then it was on to the next phrase of education, which is ITE, because that is the only path Normal Technical Stream students could go.
So, ITE was a change for me, because its totally different from what I learn in Secondary school. Its all very practical, more of hands on, we even get to open our own business using our own money and sell it in school. What's more is that it is part of our module grading!!!
I was NEVER a smart student, in all my life I've never really studied for any exams. That is why I only scored a GPA of 2.765 for my first semester.

When my lecturer told me that in order for me to progress to a Higher Nitec business course, I would need a GPA of 3.0. I was devastated, I only have a GPA of 2.7, it is almost impossible for me to shoot up to 3.0!!!
I got enrolled into Nitec in Service Skills Retail ITE Bishan College Central in the year 2009, this is a 1 year course and by the 7th or 8th month of education, we'll be sent out for our 2 Months Attachment/Internship, which is a HUGE DEAL because it consists 7 Credits of our grades. In ITE, the higher the credit unit, the more you SHOULD score well!!!
After I've finished my attachment/internship, I got back my results. I manage to get a GPA of 3.182, and so I applied for a higher nitec course at Clementi Campus, the main reason for me choosing such a far campus is because they will be opening a mega campus at Choa Chu Kang in June 2010.
You know me, I'm more of those people that will go for newer things and outer look of it, and the mega campus seems quite appealing to me. Haha!

Then its on to the next level of education. I got into the my first choice, which is School of Business, Higher Nitec in Service Management at College West.
This was one of my best school days! Everyday was like going to school to have fun! Not saying ITE is very slack or what, you can have both fun and seriousness, you just need to know how to balance.
I played for the whole of first semester, and I ended up failing 1 module during the mid-sem. Thank god the lecturer was really really good, he helped me and all the other students as well, he even gave his meeting with his friends a miss just so he could help us with our studies! HOW TO FIND SUCH AWESOME LECTURERS NOWADAYS?!!!
But in the end, I only scored a GPA of 2.471, and in order to progress to Polytechnic, I would need a minimum requirement of 2.0, but I know if I want to get into a course that I want I would need to get much higher than that, maybe a 3.0???

My course for higher nitec is a 2 year course, and by the 3rd or 4th semester , we will be send out for our attachment/internship (again)!!!
At semester 2, I took another exam, and when I received my results, I was quite disappointed, because I did badly for my core module, which holds higher credit unit as compared to my other modules.

I only manage to increase my GPA by 0.1, this led me to thinking am I still able to get a GPA of 3,0?!!!
And so, I worked harder for my year 3rd semester exams, and I manage to do quite well this time round. I scored a cumulative GPA of 2.896.

I was told that our school will be sending to the Polytechnics our GPA for this semester and not the final one, I was taken back by this announcement. This means I might not be able to get into a course of my choice, because by the time we graduate from this course, Polytechnic have already started their school, that's why they're sending our 3rd semester's GPA to the Polytechnics.
So I worked extra hard, thinking that this will be my last chance to get my GPA up to at least 3.0! AND THERE! I FINALLY DID IT!

I scored straight A's for my last semester and scored and graduate with a cumulative GPA of 3.145
And I manage to get into my first choice in Polytechnic! :D

I would like to thank my ITE Mates, without them, I wouldn't even be where I am today. Till date, I've never regretted the path that I went. Eventhough its longer than the usual, but its definitely worth it.
They played so much in my life, its like my secondary school mates bring out the "real" me, but its my ITE mates who shape me to who I am today.
The fun that we had!

The retarded times!

The BITCH I don't care where I am,
I'm just gonna look good times.

Not forgetting, doing Manicure in class during our free time

Like they all say, some things should just take it slow and steady, then you'll be able to experience it to the fullest.
Just a tip for you people who are going for attachment/internship, just make sure you stay out of trouble, and go by the rules, know who is the one that is grading you, be it your supervisor or shop manager or whoever that is, it is important to know how to play the game well.
I'm not the best student, always the last few in class in terms of results, I'm not smart, I don't really have any secrets in studying. All I can say is that, no matter what, just don't give up on yourself. The day you give up is the day where you let yourself down.
Look where I am now! :D
That's all I can say, I hope this post can inspire some of you in a way or another.
Lastly, to end this post. I would like to post a photo!

So inspiring.. :) Thank you for sharing your experience. Like you mentioned in your blog "Like they all say, some things should just take it slow and steady, then you'll be able to experience it to the fullest." How beautiful :)